1001 Oriental Dance Moves

A practical guide for dancers and
Oriental dance teachers

The book 1001 Oriental Dance Moves contains a number of different and creative methods for learning and teaching the basics of Oriental dance. Moreover, you will find many different tips, teaching aids, and stories from my sixteen-year career as an Oriental dance teacher. At the same time, this book is a good source of ideas for all dancers and teachers who have already mastered their art. Therefore, it’s a great companion for all those who want to start learning Oriental dance or seek to become an Oriental dance teacher themselves.

A dancer’s arms are her ornament and her most beautiful prop.

Book Review
I am extremely happy to share with you a wonderful review of my book, written by Cennet Seher and published by one of the best belly dance magazines in the US, The Belly Dance Chronicles.
You can find the review here (page 75 & 76).

NEW BOOK REVIEW – an amazing review of my book in FANOOS magazine.
You can read the online review here

Book cover of 1001 Oriental Dance Moves.

It is available as paperback and kindle edition on:

NEW : Video book 1001 Oriental dance moves


Below you can find links to a series of short tutorial videos based on my book 1001 Oriental dance moves. Above all, I hope you will find them useful and helpful.